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a aliança para o conhecimento da biodiversidade visa alinhar os investimentos em informática de biodiversidade para apoiar a ciência
e a sociedade

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about the alliance

Rising from a call by delegates to the 2nd Global Biodiversity Informatics Conference, this alliance for biodiversity knowledge aims to align efforts to deliver current, accurate and comprehensive data, information and knowledge on the world's biodiversity. 

The alliance is open to all institutions, agencies, organizations, researchers and communities worldwide working to measure and monitor biodiversity or dependent on accurate information on biodiversity. By joining forces, every stakeholder will benefit from free and open access to the best possible evidence to address questions at all scales.

Join us in the next phase—help us in aligning resources and investments in biodiversity informatics to improve knowledge of the world's species and understanding of the dynamics of natural systems in support of a sustainable future for science and society.


visão, ambições & próximos passos


visão, ambições & próximos passos


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declarar o seu apoio

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